Birth story processing
While having a baby can be a joyful experience, it often contains elements of trauma. This trauma can be obvious like an unexpected outcome or an emergency procedure, or be more subtle, like feeling unheard and unsupported during one of the most important moments of your life, or the grieving a birth experience you had yearned for.
I am here as an unbiased and open hearted presence to listen deeply and hold space for you while you recall and integrate your birth story. Together we can transmute and transform, gain clinical and emotional clarity, and find peace and closure in your story. Sessions last about an hour, are offered in person or virtually, and are $75. Contact me below.
Clinical Consultations
Need a midwife's perspective? Let's chat.
I offer phone or in person consultations on reproductive health and well being, from menses to menopause and everything in between.
The suggested price is between 25-100 per hour. Pay what you can.
The list of possible consult topics includes:
Prenatal Nutrition
Gestational diabetes/ coming up with a diet and exercise plan
Working with your OBGYN
Vaginal Births after a Cesarean (VBAC)
Lactation support
Preparing for a hospital induction
Maintaining vaginal health
Understanding uterine fibroids
Chronic yeast or BV
getting a second opinion on a diagnosis / treatment plan
And more…
placenta Medicine
Throughout the pregnancy, the placenta has been responsible for a great deal of hormonal production and regulation, so when it leaves the body there is a drastic shift. With placenta medicine you reintroduce your body’s own hormones and enzymes in powder or tincture form, so as to restore hormonal balance, provide nutrients and energy, and help the body recover from the birth. Through placenta medicine, I help transform the placenta into part of the birth ritual and aid in the recovery process.
Many people who have taken placenta medicine have reported:
More stable mood
Increased energy
Enhanced breast milk supply
Faster uterine healing
Decreased blood loss in the post partum period
improved menses symptoms
The Process:
Preparing a placenta usually takes around 30 hours. During the process, I utilize universal precautions for the safest methods with no contamination. After cleaning the placenta, I can either lightly steam it with warming herbs for a just a few minutes, or prepare it raw. I place it to dehydrate for 24 hours, after which I grind it into a powder. From there, I can either encapsulate it, blend it with honey, or give the family the powder to do what they want with it (some people like to put it in their shampoo or lotion) I usually have it returned to the family within a few days.
A placenta tincture is also available in conjunction to the above medicines. It is shelf stable for years and can be given to baby in the future when they need it. The tincture takes about 2 weeks.
Placenta service includes:
Pick- up and Drop off
Placenta preparation
80-120 placenta pills/ a jar of placenta honey/ a placenta tincture
Umbilical keepsake
Dosage information and guidance
Continued contact for tips and questions​
I encourage you to do your own research and please contact me with any additional questions!